Habiter la terre is here to accompany you on your journey towards a more autonomous and resilient lifestyle. With five years of practice in natural building and more than ten years of experimentations towards self-reliance in terms of food and energy, I offer my help so that you too can build a lifestyle based on respect and understanding of nature.

What I can offer

Natural building

– Support with a build (supervision of volunteers via Workaway of Woofing)

– Assistance with a self-building project (advices or training on a specific technique)

– Building of earthen structures

– Clay plasters and earthen floors

Plants and mushrooms courses

– Foraging workshops

– Botanical survey of your land

– Introduction to mushroom growing workshops

– Introduction to fermentation workshops (lacto-fermentation, botanical meads, miso)


– Introduction to permaculture design workshops

– Help with setting up a permaculture garden

– Tree planting

– Fruit tree care

If you want me to accompany you on your projects, to lead a workshop or for any other question, get in touch at habiterlaterre@protonmail.com.